cardinal tetras without gravel and plants

FW Cardinal Tetra CaptiveBred | Saltwater aquarium ...

7 best ways to keep Black Angelfish in home aquarium.Angelfish or freshwater angelfish is also known as Pterophyllum scalare. This fish is about inches size, this angel can be f


Herb Gardening : Care of Mint Plants at Home Hood Gardens

Mint is a wonderful plant to grow inside or outside of a particular home. Learn about the care of mint plants at home with help from a registered herbalist in this free video clip


Ideas for a tank with German Blue Rams and Cardinal Tetras ...

Jun 18, 2013· I was wondering, what kind of substrate is best for them? It currently has gravel and a few live plants, yes I know they may tear them up but it's a risk I'm willing to take. xD I'd like them to breed, so I want settings just right for them in a light community type. I also intend to have some cardinal tetras with them, five of them.


Larger Tetras for the Community Tank |

Jul 29, 2019· When you picture a tetra, you probably think about one of the more popular species like the brightly colored cardinal tetra or the long finned black skirt tetra. Many tetras are known for maintaining a fairly small size which makes them a great addition to the community tank.


4 Aquarium Gravel Questions That Will Make Or Break Your Tank

Apr 06, 2016· Be sure to do your research on each item you choose — many of the very common aquarium substrates and decorations (like plastic plants) can be very harmful to your fish. It's also a good idea to plan for your gravel vacuuming as you place your ornaments, as you will want to be able to access your gravel without damaging your setup.


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Sand, Gravel Excavator ; Moss, Coco Other Substrates ; Canned food and diets . Lizard, Monitor Gecko Dry and Canned Foods ; Tortoise and Turtle Dry and Canned Foods ; Iguana Dry and Canned Foods


Cardinal Tetra Stock Photos and Images

Cardinal tetras Paracheirodon axelrodi swimming in aquarium with dark gravel and background. Cute cardinal tetra fish (Paracheirodon axelrodi), a freshwater fish of the characin family. ... Aquarium with Tropical Fish Cardinal tetra (Paracheirodon axelrodi) the most popular ornamental fish for aquatic plants tank. Beautiful tropic. Postage ...


Complete Guide to Tetra Fish | Fish Care Guide

Aug 14, 2017· Put an inch to two inches of gravel at the bottom of the tank. It's fine to decorate your tank with little statues, figurines, and plants so long as they don't take up too much space. Tetras need plenty of room to swim around, and a crowded tank will stress them out.


Algae eating fish that are safe for discus? SimplyDiscus

Nov 17, 2011· Hello SD community! So I finally received my discus plant package last week. The tank looks awesome now as I am slowly getting the hang of maintaining so many beautiful plants. My next move is to start to add some tank mates that would be discus safe/approved. I really want to get some algae eating fish or shrimp but want to know what would work keeping discus in mind for the future.


Plants | My Aquarium Club

My fish keep rubbing on gravel and plants but no signs of Ich. ... and an undergravel filter system installed. Lighting is 1wpg compact fluorescent lamp. What are the plants I can grow in this tank without ... by Susobhan ... snails and live plants . . . Last night I discovered that several of my fish are infected with ich. It has affected my ...



The terrarium is a popular modern flower pot that will be a perfect choice to add a natural touch to your interior design. It is also an alternative way to plant if the house does


Introduce yourself and tell us what do you keep? | Page 10 ...

Sep 07, 2019· Super cool start to our tank! We have a 75 with a mix of community fish, one sorted bett tank with a few amanos and Otos, way too many nano tanks with neocaridinas, a 20 long planted with orange rilis ember tetras and gobies. A newly planted high tech 45 with zebra danio fry amanos and Otos. Will likely house neos and cardinal tetras.


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Searching For Freshwater Gravel, Rock, Substrate? Get Yours Today Fish Tanks Direct, 10329,


tetras not eating from the surface Tropical Fish Forums ...

Jul 09, 2007· Danios can stress some species of Tetras like Cardinals, Rummy nose and Neons. IME, Sarpae, Cardinal and Amber tetras are the ones that will not come to the surface for feeding. Tetras are a shoaling fish, so keeping just 2 of Black Neons is not that good of an options. Get at least 4 more. Regards, Dusko. _____


Neon Tetra | Keeping Tropical Fish

A Neon Tetra that is kept alone instead of in a shoal can loose its iridescent colours, and the same is true for tetras that become stressed by the presence of bullying fish or that are kept in a barren aquarium without any good hiding spots. It can also be a sign of disease, poor water quality or malnutrition. Neon Tetra .


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Fish Tanks Direct specializes exclusively in Aquariums, Stands and Fish Tank Supplies. Buy direct and save.


Finally I Made It Cardinal Tetras Fish Care

Visiting Jem Aquatics shop I saw some pretty young Cardinal Tetras from a recent shipment. The fish were in excellent condition, of good shape and young, just ready and promising. In the past I have bought, tried to breed and wasted probably well over 300 dollars .


Cardinal Tetra, Paracheirodon Axelrodi Profile, with care ...

Similar to the more common neon tetra the cardinal has more stunning stripes. ... The Cardinal Tetra has long been one of my favorite fish for its beauty in schools. ... It is in an inside room (no sunlight) with black gravel and well planted with Java Fern they make a stunning display. In the two months I have had them I only lost two and ...


Lemon Tetra, Hyphessobrycon pulchripinnis Characin Fish Guide

The Lemon Tetra will appreciate a planted aquarium that is balanced with plenty of open space in which it can swim around with its buddies. Some floating plants to help dim the light will help make them very comfortable. This is a very pretty fish in general, but the Lemon Tetra is most attractive when it .


Keeping and breeding Microctenopoma ansorgii AquaInfo

Mar 03, 2016· Home » Blog » Breeding reports » Keeping and breeding Microctenopoma ansorgii. Keeping and breeding Microctenopoma ansorgii ... cardinal tetras, killies, betas, discus and various helleri swordtails to name a few. ... this meant tearing the tank down – a process that took over three hours. (Removing the gravel without damaging any babies ...


Do Angelfish eat cardinal tetras? [Archive] Aquarium Forum

I raised my angel with tetras and comet goldfish but alas now that my angel is almost 6 inches it has become extremely aggressive. If I miss a feeding time she will eat one of the tetras. So I put in more plants and create a small cave for the tetras to hide in. My school of neon tetras .
